This book examines the issue of sustainable food consumption and presents findings on consumer behavior that might reveal the situation. The first chapter relates sustainable food consumption and consumer behavior. The aspects of sustainable food consumption, food waste and the theories that explain consumer food consumption behavior are surveyed. Chapter 2 propose a multi-national, self-assessment index, the Sustainable Consumption of Food Index (SCOFI), to measure sustainable food consumption behavior. The index development process from creating an item pool to proposing the final version of the index is presented. Consumers’ sustainable food consumption behavior is examined in Chapters 3 to 7 using SCOFI in Austria, Denmark, Slovakia, Sweden, and Turkey. In these chapters, the authors develop some specific suggestions for each country. Good practices and initiatives from partner countries are also presented to the readers. Chapter 8 is designed to explain how SCOFI can be used effectively during the behavior change process to promote more sustainable food choices. The role of SCOFI in gathering feedback and documentation is presented. Chapter 9 presents a synthesis for behavior change and the use of transformative learning for designing a behavior-change program to support more sustainable habits of food consumption.


A booklet on the topic of sustainable consumption of food was also created. The booklet takes its point of departure in the information found in the book and in themes from the previous outputs. The 12-page booklet describes practical information and advice for consumers on how to act and eat more sustainably in regards to meal planning, shopping, cooking and serving, and dealing with leftover food. The information is clear and concise with indications of benefits within the areas “waste”, “health”, “environment” and “economy”, allowing for readers to easily find relevant information within each of these areas. The target audience of the booklet is adult end-consumers. The booklet was therefore translated into the national language of the partnering countries before being distributed to the target group. The booklet can be shared both as a printed version and online, and, as the book, it can be found and downloaded from the SUSCOF website.


Brochures to promote the project and sustainable food consumption. The brochures were also targeted towards the consumers, and as such, they were also translated into national languages. 16 different brochures were designed for raising adults’ awareness and changing food consumption behavior.