MySuscof App

The MySusCoF app was developed to help adults to change their behavior on food consumption. The content of the app is thought to ensure people a more sustainable lifestyle by means of food consumption. The app provides several materials such as; videos, book, booklet, brochures, leaflets, tipsheets, SCOFI (self-assessment index), training modules, detailed information pages, etc. Mobile app users can test themselves by using SCOFI embedded in the app. Besides, training modules consist of comprehensive information about sustainable food consumption. It comprises information and quizzes about different steps of food consumption. Users can reach all these materials by using the app. Furthermore, the mobile app is designed by considering gamification methodology. “Forest” analogy has been thought to inject rivalry and fun to the app usage. There are 5 different levels in the analogy; seed, sprout, sapling, tree, and forest. Users start their more sustainable food consumption adventure as seed and they can create their food forest by collecting more kudos It has been thought that this gamification idea nudges people to use the app frequently and use every section of the app and use up every material in the app. The app is available in suscof website ( and Google PlayStore.

Mobile Platform

The digital platform provides comprehensive content to adults. The platform, basically, presents detailed information about the project. Users of the platform can reach all project’s intellectual outputs and adults can also have all the project’s outputs and products. Self training modules can be achieved on the platform with quizzes. In addition, the platform provides book, booklets, brochures, etc. Adults can assess their sustainable food consumption behavior by using SCOFI embedded in the platform. Users make promises for more sustainable food consumption as well as watching videos, etc. The platform is available in all partner country languages.

Self Training Adventure

Shopping Trail 1 Basics of Shopping

Shopping Trail 2 More About Shopping

Kitchen Trail 1 Meal Planing

Kitchen Trail 2 Cooking

Kitchen Trail 3 Serving

Learning Trail 1 Sustainability and Food Consumption

Learning Trail 2 More About Food, Society, and Sustainable Development

Learning Trail 3 Food Waste