The LTTA of the SUSCOF project was held in Vienna, Austria on October 11-15, 2021. The agenda includes the fundamental learning sessions for each output. Although the project partners are from five countries, representatives of the partner organizations were from nine countries – Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, Slovakia, Italy, Germany, India – and Kosovo, carried this international event beyond expectations.
Day 1, which started with a welcoming and ice-breaking session, continued with the presentation of Prof. Rainer Haas on food sustainability in Austria. Subsequently, participants from partner organizations presented the good practices in their countries.
Day 2 was led by the SUA. Sessions were focused on the self-assessment evaluation tool and competence map. In these sessions, consumers’ food consumption competencies and consumer clusters were discussed.
Day 3 was the My Suscof Mobile App day. The leading partner DEU presented the modules and menus of the app, mostly the training modules. During the day, participants joined a series of experiments on the usability of the app. Suggestions are noted for a more user-friendly and well-designed app.
The official dinner of the LTTA was held on Day 3. The award ceremony of the video contest was done during the dinner.
Marilyn Mehlmann from Legacy17 led Day 4. She gave three speeches on (1) the role of community, (2) personal behaviour change, and (3) enabling mechanisms.
On Day 5, Amanda Laasholdt from MAPP Center from Aarhus University presented the training materials. She shared the content and the design book for academics and university students and the booklet for end-users.